My $25,000 idea

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to write a book.

I think I was 6 when I wrote my first short story. That must have been about the same time that my first grade teacher started sending me to the library during certain lessons because I kept getting bored.

Fast forward many years.

After working in fundraising a while and helping others, I knew I could write a book about raising money, making it easy to understand. I have a gift for teaching, and I knew that writing a book was essentially putting my teaching on paper. I didn't really know where to start or how to get my book published, so the idea sat in my head for many years.

Fast forward a few more years.

As an entrepreneur, I learned about creating a signature system to document my personal method of helping nonprofits raise money. Since I'd already been helping lots of folks, it wasn't too hard to do and the Get Fully Funded system was born.

In October of 2011, the Get Fully Funded system was unveiled as a home-study book, complete with worksheets, templates, and all the tools someone would need to implement it themselves. My team and I spent a lot of time planning the launch to get the book into the hands of as many people as possible. (In fact, we still use that same launch plan when we bring a new product to the world).

I was reviewing my numbers the other day and realized how much money I've made from that one book. In about 18 months, the Get Fully Funded home-study system has generated about $25,000 for me. Can I get a woohoo? 🙂

The nice thing about the book is that it continues to sell regularly from my website. We have systems in place now to produce and ship the book, so I don't have to physically do anything anymore to get the book in the customers' hands. This is passive income at its best!

So, let me ask you: What's your $25,000 idea?

What's gift can you bring to the nonprofit world that you can turn into a product to help lots of folks and add money to your bottom line? Right now,

I'm helping a client refine her signature system and create more passive and leveraged income so she can do more of what she loves and make more money at the same time. I can't wait to see what she does in just a few months! She's got a product already in production, and using my experience, I'll be able to help her avoid a lot of mistakes. (Sure wish I'd had someone like that when I launched my first product!)

If you aren't sure what your signature system is or what you can do to add $25,000 to your bottom line, I'd be happy to help you figure it out. Go to to schedule a free strategy session.

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