business development

Challenging the status quo

When you run a business, you’re either moving forward or going backward.  There is no standing still. And I'm guessing that since you're reading this, you're probably running a business.

If you think you can just go with the flow, you're in for a rude awakening. At some point, you'll find that the rest of the world has passed you by, and you've got tons of catching up to do.

I tend to move myself forward in some pretty big ways on a regular basis. That's why I invest in myself regularly with coaches and epxerts that can stretch my thinking, challenge me, and help me reach for more.

Today was one of those days where I did all of that. (And I'm a bit pooped!)

I spent today with Matthew Goldfarb at Corporate Renegade in western Massachusetts. We talked about my messaging all day (yep, you really can focus on one topic ALL DAY!). It was exciting, fun, scary, exhilarating, and productive. Matthew and his team are working on several pieces for me that I think will enable me to springboard forward in a BIG way.

While I'm waiting for Goldfarb to work his magic, I thought I'd share a couple of my takeaways from this experience with you.

1. Growth is not always convenient. Sometimes you have to get your ass on a plane and fly to some random town (and sometimes rent a car and drive forever) to get yourself in front of someone who can help you. If you think you can wait until the opportunity to learn and grow shows up your doorstep, you're sadly mistaken.

2. The sheer act of investing in yourself can move you forward.  Every time I pay for coaching, I feel different. Somewhow my business feels more real and I feel more committed to it before I ever get the first piece of advice. There's just something about spending big money on myself that helps me see where my priorities are.

3. You get what you pay for. Try to take the cheap route, and you'll get cheap results. I don't know about you, but I don't want cheap for my business!

4. It's usually easier with support. I took one of my team members with me on this adventure. My right arm for the past several years has been my Marketing gal Kristina Shands. I paid for her to accompany me so she could hear first-hand what was said and be able to implement it in the work she's doing. Yes, it was an additional investment, but so worth it. Halfway through the morning, I was SO glad I brought her.  Plus, we had a great time on the trip.

I'm in the habit now of regular evaluation of my business to see where I am and what I most need to learn. I'm looking for the areas where I need to improve in order to take my business to the next level. I encourage you to do the same. 

Where do you need to shore up your knowledge? Accounting? Customer service? Marketing? Remember that as a consultant, you're running a business. You can't just be good at delivering the service you're here to provide.  You've also got to be a good business owner, which means you must learn to wear many hats. Get really good at being a good entrepreneur and you'll be well on your way to having the business of your dreams.