
Listen and Learn

One of the keys to being a Happy Entrepreneur is to only work with ideal clients. Trust me on this one!  When you work with clients who aren’t ideal, they’ll become heart-sink clients and make your heart sink everytime you see their name on the calendar!

How do you find ideal clients? I believe listening is critical to determining if someone is right for you. 

Listening can make you a better coach and a better person, but no one teaches you how to be a good listener.  Seems to me it should be required learning in elementary school! Here are some tips for improving your listening skills. 

  1. Be patient and calm. Don’t be tapping your foot or drumming your fingers.
  2. Be present in the moment. Don’t be thinking about yesterday or tomorrow.   And don’t be thinking about what you’re going to say next.
  3. Focus on the person you are listening to. No multitasking.
  4. Don’t let your mind wander. No mental distractions.
  5. Ask questions. This is a good way to open up the conversation for the other person and give them the chance to express themselves.
  6. Summarize what you’ve heard.  This is a great way to clarify. Sometimes people don’t say what they actually mean and by summarizing, you help them better verbalize their feelings and ideas.
  7. Watch body language and what isn’t being said.  Listen for underlying feelings and ideas.
  8. Don’t interrupt.  In fact, pause for a moment before you speak.  This will help the other person feel that you aren’t in a rush and are likely paying close attention to what they are saying.

 If you are tired or stressed, it’s going to be harder to listen well and you may have to work a bit harder.   

There’s an old saying that goes “You have 2 ears and 1 mouth - use them accordingly.” It’s a nugget of wisdom that means you should listen twice as much as you talk.

The best way to master the skill of listening is to practice.  Spend time daily practicing these 8 tips to being a good listener and you'll be on your way to finding more of the right clients.